Friday, February 10, 2012

Management of Box Girder Bridge

I had the great opportunity to manage the construction of a Box Girder Bridge.   Due to a late design, we were put on a tight schedule to complete this work.  It was a great opportunity to test my ability to lead and solve problems on a tight 6 month schedule.    

We had to tie all the rebar in the bottom deck, web walls and cap beams, prior to placing any concrete in the structure due to all rebar tying into the bottom deck.  Here are some pictures of the rebar going in.  

This was our first bottom deck concrete pour. 

Here is a view taken from the other structure we built.  This shows the box girder structure with all concrete placed except the top deck.  

Here is the structure with the top deck rebar tied, getting ready to place concrete.  

Here is our first top deck concrete pour.  As you can see the structure starts out small and widens as it goes west.  

This is the bridge with all the concrete complete and traffic on top.  Bridge drains, and the road underneath still need to go in.  

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